Book a session.

Each session is a unique experience for the client. They are a safe space that allows natural discovery and clarity.

Whether you feel like you need some guidance in your life, or are simply unsure of what’s to come, feel free to join me on a journey of exploration.

If you are based outside of the United Kingdom, please don’t hesitate to book as I offer virtual sessions.

Use the contact form below to book your session now.

Other Session Types

Tarot Parties

Tarot parties and group sessions are also available. If you would like to get a group of your together where we can go through individual card reading sessions in one sitting, please feel free to get in contact with me and we can discuss this further. These are great for special occasions and joint exploration. Use the booking form for more information.

Psychic Retreats

I am in the process of organising a special psychic retreat in Ibiza, Spain. During this week-long excursion we will be hosting Psychic Tarot reading sessions and exploratory Yoga sessions in a spiritual paradise! Please reach out for further information.

Gift a Session

Do you have a friend, a loved one or simply someone you know that you feel would benefit from a session, you can always gift them one using the same booking form above, or simply reach out to me via the contact form for more information.

If you would like to book a session on any of the days I am unavailable, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will do my best to accommodate.

For any other enquiries, again, please feel free to reach out!